Just imagine not having to tweeze, wax, shave or endure the long, painful hours of electrolysis again! At Sculptfsspa, we provide laser hair removal in Mississauga with the Lightsheer and Coolglide laser making this a reality for you!
Hair Removal Methods
There are many ways of hair removal including shaving, plucking, electronic tweezers, radiofrequency tweezers, waxing, threading, depilatories (creams), and electrolysis . Most of these methods of hair removal, however, are temporary. Lasers offer the only method for permanent hair reduction; our laser hair removal in Mississauga offers great results, quick results, and optimal safety.
How Laser Hair Removal Works?
Laser hair removal removes unwanted hair permanently by targeting and damaging the root of the hair. The laser itself is attracted to pigment or colour. Assuming there is a good contrast between the skin and the hair, the laser damages the root and leaves behind a small stem. Over the next 2-3 weeks, it will appear as if the hairs are growing when actually the skin is naturally pushing this stem up and out. If you were to pull at these hairs with your fingers (not tweezers) 2-3 weeks after the treatment these hairs slide out with no resistance at all. Once these hairs fall out there will be a period where there is very little hair. With a new cycle of hair growth approximately 6 to 8 weeks for the body and 4 to 6 weeks for the face, you would be coming in for your next treatment.

Laser Hair Treatments
Popular treatment areas include underarms, legs, the bikini area, the upperlip, chin, and men’s backs and shoulders to mention a few. Laser hair removal generally works best for areas where the hair is dark and/or coarse. The number of laser hair removal treatments varies based on ones ethnic background or skin type as well as the area treated. We recommend coming in for a complimentary consultation to give you realistic expectations and to determine whether you are in fact a good candidate for this popular procedure. There is absolutely no obligation with the complimentary consultation.
Important Note !
Before you come for the appointment, avoid waxing or plucking hair from the root. Laser hair treatment has to target the roots so it’s important to have hair roots. Avoid direct sun exposure at least one week before the appointment bring SPF with you. Remove makeup or any cream before the treatment . Stop using retinol creams at least 2 weeks before the treatment. Depending on hair growth; 6-8 sessions at intervals of 4-6 weeks are required to see more permanent results.